Self transformation: Fill your life with vitality, no matter your age

Gain clarity in what’s actually holding you back, the thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck, relentlessly self examine to let them go, utilise the time tested methods of self transformation through mindful practices of the mind and body, and connect with your true self.

Vitality Contract Program

Self transformation for life filled with vitality

  • Highly personalised program 
  • individual sessions of Guided self inquiry
  • One on one mindful movement sessions
  • Journaling, meditation, worksheet, resources
  • Access to unlimited group classes

Committed guidance, consistent support, and accountability on your journey of true self transformation.

Gain clarity:
find what is actually holding you back from living a fulfilled life.

Experience the potential for change:
connect deeply with your vision.

Expert guidance:
access consistent and committed support.

Connect with your body and mind:
ignite healing power within.

Mindful practices:
learn the ancient tools of self transformation.

Cultivate self love:
develop sustainable self care practices informed self love.

You are sick and tired of being sick.

You are suffering with various chronic health issues that are holding you back from living an active life. Although you have tried “exercising”, “dieting”, and different types of mindful practices, it never seems to last. You are struggling with thoughts of “I am broken” but you are so tired of trying to fix yourself.. 

You are at retirement age.

You feel like your body is starting to let you down. You feel your age. It’s hard to feel motivated to try anything new. You feel out of place when you brave going to the gym or yoga studio. When you do go, you find yourself getting easily injured so you are disheartened by the experience. With so much information out there about how to be “healthy”, you are overwhelmed and confused despite the fact you keenly consume the information on health and wellbeing. 

You have kept your body pretty fit but…

You have optimised your physical health by eating “clean” and exercising regularly over the years. But a recent health check brought you a serious unexpected diagnosis that shook you to your core. You have a deep sense that you have neglected an important part of yourself you cannot name. You recognise that something needs to change but you are at a loss where to start.

You have lived your life serving others.

You have a myriad of chronic health issues that you have been managing. With symptoms worsening in recent times, you realise that something needs to change, that you cannot ignore your own needs much longer. You have a deep desire to take better care of yourself but you are afraid to do so. Thinking about “fixing” all your health issues overwhelms you. You are seeking guidance and permission to prioritise your own health and wellbeing so that you can also thrive in your life. 

John Walsh – your guide

Meet John,

From Stuck to Thriving: My Unexpected Journey to Vitality

I know what it’s like to be stuck. Despite having extensive knowledge of natural medicine, I reached 50 feeling deeply unfulfilled. My work felt meaningless, my relationships strained. I was physically fit, but emotionally disconnected and spiritually lost.

So, I took a leap of faith – a 3.5-year dive into Tai Chi and Qigong in China. While it brought temporary peace, a deeper unease remained. I craved change within myself.

That’s when I surrendered and sought guidance. Unravelling the power of my mind and beliefs changed everything.

Now, heading into my late 60s, I’m experiencing a vitality I never thought possible. Healing my mind and body has brought me closer to myself and the world. My connections are stronger, my joy deeper.

The ancient practices I once knew only intellectually now spark immense joy and peace. And the best part? Guiding others on this powerful path to self-transformation.

The future excites me. Will you join me on this journey to rediscover your own vitality?

  • Working in health industry 30 years
  • Dip. Osteopathy & Naturopathy 
  • Full time training of Tai chi, Qigong & meditation with masters in China for 3.5 years 
  • Training and teaching Qigong & Tai chi for 8 years
  • Personal trainer over 10 years 
  • Hoffman Process graduate
  • Training in Compassionate Inquiry & Byron Katie’s Work method

The secret to true self transformation is WILLINGNESS to CHANGE.

[When you are ready, the teacher appears.]

Who this program is for:

  • You are seeking a holistic health solution that will last.
  • You want a structured approach to improving your wellbeing using tools & systems practised and proven. 
  • You are ready to prioritise your wellbeing. 
  • You want a comprehensive healthcare program to address all aspects of your being.

Who this program is not for:

  • You are looking for a “quick fix” for your health issues. This program is designed for your transformation. It’s going to take work on your end and it takes time to heal.
  • You are interested in following the latest “hacks” or “trends” over time tested methods. Healing takes time, cultivating new thoughts and habits takes time. This is slow medicine.  
  • You are more interested in doing things “your own way” and aren’t willing to change. 
  • You want someone to do the work for you.